Hair And Skin Changes During Menopause | Before & After :- Many women are concerned about skin and hair changes with
menopause. The skin is actually your largest organ of your body and when you go
into menopause, if you lose a significant amount of estrogen which at least half
of women do that can really affect your skin and make it thinner and more
delicate and lose some of the collagen support.
Also there can be hair thinning
that could accelerate part of it maybe genetics but when you lose estrogen
there can be excess of hair shedding some of the things that women can do for
basic skin and hair care is to keep the nutrition excellent getting enough of
the vital nutrients from vitamin C, vitamin D, iron & zinc is very important.
Tips For Better Skin After Menopause
is a vitamin that can help support the skin and hair basic care of the skin
becomes even more important as you get older and the skin gets thinner it's
very important to have the right cleanser with the right pH .
Usually we prefer
liquid cleansers as opposed to bar soaps as you get older you may notice that
your skin is much more sensitive perfumes detergents substances makeup things
that previously did not irritate or bother your skin you may be much more
sensitive as the skin gets older.
It doesn't shed as easily so it's very
important to exfoliate it's also critical that you protect your skin daily 365
A year you should use a Sun protectant against UVA and UVB light
specifically sunscreens like maroc cyl and some of these sunscreens also can
function to protect the skin from UV light but also function as an illuminizer
to the skin it's also very important as one gets older also in colder climates
to moisturize there's a number of good non-irritating concealers that can be
helpful to put on the skin it's very important that you have a good regular
skin care regimen.
Hair And Skin Changes During Menopause | Before & After
Reviewed by AIOway
December 06, 2019
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